Data Protection

We have included keys policies and our privacy notices on this page. Please follow the links in the infromation below.
Schools are data rich environments and every day we deal with lots of different sorts of information about children, families and staff. We have different policies and procedures which support the school in explaining how and why we collect different types of information and what we do with it. Should you have any queries, then please email the School Office or our Data Protection Officer:
How we use your child's information (Privacy Notice for Pupils)
This notice contains the key information about how and why we collect your child’s personal information and what we do with that information.
Personal information is information that identifies your child and relates to them. For example, information about how well they are doing at the School and any information that we need to take care of them. Photographs and videos of your child’s child also count as their personal information.
We encourage you to read the full version of our pupil privacy notice which can be found below. You can also obtain a copy of the full privacy notice by speaking to the staff in the office at the School.
The full version includes additional points, such as:
- the rights you have in your child’s information including what decisions you can make about the information;
- for how long the School retains your child’s personal information; and
- our legal bases for using your child’s personal information.
Our primary reason for using your child’s personal information is to provide them with an education.
We set out below examples of the different ways in which we use your child’s personal information and where that personal information comes from.
- Admissions forms give us lots of personal information. We get information from you, your child’s teachers and other pupils. Your child’s old school also gives us information about them so that we can teach and care for them.
- Sometimes we get information from your child’s doctors and other professionals where we need this to look after them.
- We may need to report some of your child’s information to the government (e.g. the Department for Education). We will need to tell the local authority that they attend the School, if they leave the School or let them know if we have any concerns about your child’s welfare.
- We will share your child’s academic and your child’s behaviour records with you so that you can support your child’s schooling.
- We may use photographs or videos of them for the School's website and social media sites or prospectus to show prospective pupils what we do here and to advertise the School. We may continue to use these photographs and videos after they have left the School. Sometimes we use photographs and videos for teaching purposes, for example, to record a drama lesson.
- We publish our statutory test results, sports fixtures and other news on the website and put articles and photographs in the local news to tell people about what we have been doing.
- We will send you information to keep you up to date with what is happening at the School. For example, by sending you information about events and activities taking place (including fundraising events) and the School newsletter.
If you have any questions about how we use your child’s personal information, please speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
How we use Parent's information (Privacy Notice for Parents)
This notice contains the key information about how and why we collect your personal information and what we do with that information.
Personal information is information that identifies you and relates to you. For example, information about your family circumstances, your financial information and photographs of you.
We strongly recommend reading the full version of our parent privacy notice which is published on the School's website and can be found below. You can also obtain a copy of the full privacy notice by contacting the School Office. The full version includes additional points, such as, the rights you have in your information, including what decisions you can make about your information, for how long the School retains your personal information and our legal bases for using your personal information.
The School's primary reason for using your personal information is to provide educational services to your child.
We set out below examples of the different ways in which we use your personal information and where that personal information comes from.
- We obtain information about you from admissions forms and from your child's previous school. We may also get information from professionals such as doctors and from local authorities.
- We will have information about any family circumstances which might affect your child's welfare or happiness.
- We may take photographs or videos of you at School events to use on social media and on the School website. This is to show prospective parents, carers and pupils what we do here and to advertise the School. We may continue to use these photographs and videos after your child has left the School.
- We will send you information to keep you up to date with what is happening at the School. For example, by sending you information about events and activities taking place (including fundraising events) and the newsletter.
In some situations we may need to share your information with third parties. For example:
- In accordance with our legal obligations, we will share information with local authorities, Ofsted and the Department for Education, for example, where we have any safeguarding concerns.
- On occasion, we may need to share information with the police, our legal advisors and our insurers.
The Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email (contact The Data Protection Officer monitors and advises on the School's data protection compliance.