Whole School Fundraising Walk- Global Action
The whole school took in a fundraising walk, (walking the distance children in Africa currently need to walk to get to school) to raise funds to build a new classroom for our global family, supporting people in need and those living in poverty
Aid to the Church in Need- Global Action
The whole school took in a fundraising walk, (walking the distance children in Africa currently need to walk to get to school) to raise funds to build a new classroom for our global family, supporting people in need and those living in poverty
CAFOD World Gifts- Global Action
The whole school took in a fundraising walk, (walking the distance children in Africa currently need to walk to get to school) to raise funds to build a new classroom for our global family, supporting people in need and those living in poverty
Inviting local residents into school- Local Action
The whole school took in a fundraising walk, (walking the distance children in Africa currently need to walk to get to school) to raise funds to build a new classroom for our global family, supporting people in need and those living in poverty
Litter picking in the community- Local Action
The whole school took in a fundraising walk, (walking the distance children in Africa currently need to walk to get to school) to raise funds to build a new classroom for our global family, supporting people in need and those living in poverty
Digital Downtime Day- Local Action
The whole school took in a fundraising walk, (walking the distance children in Africa currently need to walk to get to school) to raise funds to build a new classroom for our global family, supporting people in need and those living in poverty
Our LiveSimply Pledges- School Action
As a school, we came together to speak about the importance of everyone creating an individual pledge, something they can do to live simply, encourage others to live sustainably and live in solidarity with others. All staff wrote their own pledge after a reflection in the school hall.
Our Live Simply Ambassadors led the school in liturgical prayer by speaking to the children about what it means to live simply. They then invited all children to draw/write their own pledge.
At a recent Governing Body meeting, governors were invited to write their pledge and parents were invited into the hall to reflect on their own lives and write a LiveSimply pledge.
We have now displayed our pledges in the main corridor as a reminder of what we are doing collectively to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with our common home.
LiveSimply Eco Club- School Action
As a school, we came together to speak about the importance of everyone creating an individual pledge, something they can do to live simply, encourage others to live sustainably and live in solidarity with others. All staff wrote their own pledge after a reflection in the school hall.
Our Live Simply Ambassadors led the school in liturgical prayer by speaking to the children about what it means to live simply. They then invited all children to draw/write their own pledge.
At a recent Governing Body meeting, governors were invited to write their pledge and parents were invited into the hall to reflect on their own lives and write a LiveSimply pledge.
We have now displayed our pledges in the main corridor as a reminder of what we are doing collectively to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with our common home.
Vegetable Patch- School Action
As a school, we came together to speak about the importance of everyone creating an individual pledge, something they can do to live simply, encourage others to live sustainably and live in solidarity with others. All staff wrote their own pledge after a reflection in the school hall.
Our Live Simply Ambassadors led the school in liturgical prayer by speaking to the children about what it means to live simply. They then invited all children to draw/write their own pledge.
At a recent Governing Body meeting, governors were invited to write their pledge and parents were invited into the hall to reflect on their own lives and write a LiveSimply pledge.
We have now displayed our pledges in the main corridor as a reminder of what we are doing collectively to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with our common home.