Welcome to Middle Phase 2024-2025

Y3 Ermin with Mrs Childs

Y3 Devizes with Miss Rutland and Mrs Donaldson

Y4 Malmesbury with Miss Barnett

Y4 Stonehenge with Miss Matthews

Middle Phase Information
Year 3 Documents 2024-2025
Year 4 Documents 2024-2025
Weekly Homework Requirements
- Complete weekly Maths and Grammar homework in their folder that will be collected and handed out every Monday.
- 5 spelling games completed on Spelling Shed each week by each Monday.
- Online times tables games need to be completed weekly, this can be MTC practice or on Times Tables Rockstars (battle).
- Regular reading.

How you can support your child with reading at home
- Each week, the children will bring home a reading book. In Year 4 this will be one of our Big Cat books (these are either phonetically selected or age based). In Year 3, the children are still completing the Little Wandle programme, therefore their books are matched to their level.
- Please can you ensure that you are reading with your child every evening where possible and signing their reading record.
- Your child also has a Reading for Pleasure which they have chosen from the library and wish to read at home.
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
What is the Y4 Multiplication Tables Check and what is its purpose?
All state-funded maintained schools and academies (including free schools) in England are required to administer an online multiplication tables check (MTC) to Year 4 pupils.
The National Curriculum specifies that pupils should be taught to recall the multiplication tables up to and including 12 × 12 by the end of Year 4.
The purpose of the Multiplication Tables Check is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help us at St Mary’s to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
The MTC is planned to take place this academic year in June 2025
What will the Multiplication Tables Check look like?
The check will be administered online and on-screen using a tablet The check will take approximately five minutes to complete. There will be twenty-five questions, worth one mark each. Pupils will have 6 seconds to enter a response to the question and the 6 seconds start as soon as the question appears.
Once the pupil has input their answer, they can press enter to proceed. Once the question is answered, there will be a 3 second pause before the next question appears.
If the pupil does not answer the question in the 6 seconds given, it will automatically move onto the next question after the 3 second pause.
How can I help my child with practising their times tables at home?