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St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE

Declaration of Business Interest

Amelia Penfold - Clerk to Governors

Clerk to Governors at:

  • Ridgeway School
  • Shaw Ridge Primary School (Grove Learning Trust)
  • St Catherine's Catholic Primary School
  • Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Governance Information

PDF -  Scheme of Delegation 

PDF -  Structure and Remit of the School 2024-25

PDF -  for Funding Agreement 

PDF -  St Mary's Articles of association

Directors of St Mary's - our School Governors

School governors play an important role in the life of St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School. They provide strategic leadership and accountability and support the school in delivering its aims and objectives and ensuring the correct policies, plans and procedures are in place.

 At St Mary's, the role of Governors also includes the promotion of the school’s Catholic character and mission. The majority of our Governors are Foundation governors who are appointed by the Bishop and they are responsible for ensuring the religious character of the school is upheld and the school is run in accordance with Diocesan policies. 

 In addition to this, Governors are responsible for overseeing and agreeing the school budget, premises and admissions. Governors appoint and work closely with the Headteacher who manages these responsibilities alongside the day to day management and control of the school, delivery of the curriculum and implementation of policies on their behalf on a daily basis.  The Governors meet regularly to provide challenge and support for the school - they are the Headteacher’s “critical friend”.

If you would like to speak to any of the Governors about their role or their vision for the school or any other matter, please get in touch via email: Clerk@st-marys.swindon.sch.uk

The Directors of the Board of Governors


PDF - Governor Details - 2024-25 (1/9/24)

PDF - Attendance of Governors 2023-24

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