Welcome to the Lower Phase 2024-2025
Y1 Barbury Class with Mrs Collins
Y1/2 Salisbury Class with Miss Foster

Reading and Phonics
Please read with your child every day and sign their homework diaires to show they have read. Books will be changed every Monday.
Maths can be practised at home using Education City. Usernames and passwords can be found at the back of your child's homework diary.
Please spend 10 minutes a day practising phonic sounds.
Phoneme Articulation
Phonics Screening Check
The Y1 phonics screening check will take place week commencing 10th June 2024.
Practice Screener Past Papers
Phonics Map to support
Y2 Glastonbury with Mrs Butler

Reading and Phonics
Phonics is an integral part of our weekly routines in Year 2. In continuation of EYFS and Year 1, phonics in Year 2 follows the principles and practice of the DfE’s programme Letters and Sounds. By the end of Key Stage One, our aim is for all children to become fluent readers and increasingly accurate spellers.
Y2 Statutory Assessments
In Year 2, the government require that children are assessed on how they have performed through KS1. This is done in two ways:
- National Curriculum tests (SATS) for maths and reading
- Teacher Assessment for maths , reading, writing and science
The tests (SATS) usually take place throughout the month of May.
Y2 Curriculum
Our topics this year will be:
Term 1:
Term 2:
Term 3:
Term 4:
Term 5:
Term 6: