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Commissioning of Chaplains- 12th Oct (1)

Our Chaplaincy Council Video 2022-2023

St Mary's Chaplaincy Video 2022-2023.mp4

Chaplaincy Council 2023-2024

This year, we have a Chaplaincy Council Team, made up of 2 representatives from each year group. Our Chaplaincy Council members take great pride in attending the Diocesan Chaplaincy Commissionning Mass at Clifton Cathedral and receiving and wearing their special Chaplain badge.  Through prayer and hard work, they carry out different responsibilites to promote the faith in school to students, staff and the community.

We believe that a successful Chaplaincy Council team always:

  • Listens to each other’s ideas;
  • Communicates with all the team members, school and parish;
  • Encourages everyone when making decisions, to share their ideas and to try their best;
  • Includes everyone when making decisions;
  • Leads by example, love everyone especially people you don’t get on with.

If you have any ideas that you wish to share with us then please let us know

Twice a term, the Chaplaincy Council meet to review the action plan and consider different ways in which they are:

Strengthening Mission

Deepening Prayer

Enabling Communion

The meetings give a chance for the Chaplaincy Council to share their ideas and together we make decisions about how we can promote the Catholic ethos in the school.  During the meetings, the Council have the opportunity to: update prayers, plan events, update the website and make decisions about fundraising. These ideas and decisions are then brought to the School Council meetings and fed back to the whole school. 

Early Years Chaplaincy Council Members

Lower Phase Chaplaincy Council Members

Middle Phase Chaplaincy Council Members

Upper Phase Chaplaincy Council Members

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