A Whole School Chaplaincy Model
St. Mary's adopts a whole school chaplaincy model where every child in school is invited to be a chaplain. Each child plays a vital role in enhancing the values of our Catholic faith in Jesus with Mary's help and guided by the Holy Spirit. All children take joy in planning, participating and leading Prayer and Liturgy throughout the year, as well as taking part in Liturgical Celebrations and reaching out to our local, national and wider communities.
Our School Chaplain is Mrs Fernandes
The roles of a chaplain include...
- Helping the school to be a community of faith.
- Encouraging others to live their faith in daily living.
- Developing good relationships within and beyond the school community.
- Supporting Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
- Becoming involved in fundraising for charities.
- Continuing to develop strong links with the Parish and community.
- Supporting the school in its Vision and Mission Statement.
Duties include...
- Helping to plan and lead assemblies and Masses.
- Organising and leading class prayer times with other pupils.
- Lead lunchtime prayer opportunities throughout the year eg: Rosary, Prayer Room, Stations of the Cross.
- Ensuring that Class prayer areas are tidy and reflect the season.
- Organising fund raising for charity.
- Supporting younger children with their spiritual development.
Look below to see how our chaplains live out their faith with dedication and joy.